Helen S. Burany
February 13, 1917 - May 11, 2012
I'm so sorry for your loss. Helen had a wonderful spirit and catching laugh. She will be missed by many.

Pewaukee, WI
Posted: 5/16/2012

My prayers and blessings to the Burany Family as Helen is being celebrated into her heavenly homecoming

Henry Thurman
Milwaukee, WI
Posted: 5/16/2012

May you find comfort in your memories of a wonderful life together.

Pat Hagemann
Waukesha, WI
Posted: 5/13/2012

The physical world, and all of us still residing within it have lost a sweet, strong, steadfast and feisty soul. I have many memories to hold dear, and I will be thinking of you all.

Edmonds, WA
Posted: 5/13/2012